Fukushinkan Postcard No.2
(Fukushinkan is a meal serving facility for homeless people in Nagoya city.)
The profit will be used for the meal serving activities.
◆ 藤島桂二ポストカードセレクション ◆
Oil painting by Keiji Fujishima
| みんな何処へ行くのですか Where are you all going? |
| 盛夏 A midsummer |
| まよなか A midnight |
| 扉 A door |
| 静かな時間 Quiet time |
5枚1セットで500円です。送料90円をプラスして 郵便局にて郵便振替でご送金ください。
注) 通信欄に、必ず、藤島桂二ポストカード希望とお書きください。
郵便振替口座 00870−4−93228 「福信館炊き出し部」
The price is 500 yen per set not including postage.
Please e-mail to greg@spice.or.jp if you are interested in helping homeless people by buying these postcards.
Thank you.